Do you wanna have pretty eyes with long lashes ? Who doesn't right ? Impian banget ngga sih punya bulu mata yg lentik, panjang juga sehat? Kalau yg dari lahir udah dikasih anugerah bulu matanya lentik mah bahagia sekali, nah tapi buat yg punya bulu matanya pendek uda pasti segala m…
Perawatan bibir sehat di rumah.. Buat cewe cewe walaupun nggasuka pakai make up atau jarang nih make up pasti tetep bakal pakai lipstick, liptint, lipgloss atau apapun jenis kosmetik untuk bibir. Ya ngga ? Nah karena penggunaan kosmetika tadi bisa berpengaruh untuk kesehatan bibir, makanya pen…
Today's post gonna talk about easy and healthy hair care routine with natural products. Kalau di post sebelumnya uda aku tulis tentang apa aja perawatan rambut sehat yg mudah dilakuin in general, nah untuk post kali ini bakal lebih spesifik ke produk alami yg bagus banget buat …
This is an example of emcee script which is super easy to be made. I've got some feedback to post this so, here you go :) ~~~~~~~~~ GREETINGS Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu, a very good morning. Honourable ....... Respectable all lecturers of facul…
I love you mamy Like a Love in the mist A chain that bind us In a sweet then bitterness Though it's neglected But it blooms in the darkest dark Shouting like no one ever heard How could I make you feel I'm too far away here How could you understand Every words…
Nila Pesmol Nusantara by Sous Chef Subagio Johanes Bulan Ramadhan gini pasti pengen makan makanan yg enak juga sehat kan waktu buka puasa ? Boleh nih dicobain resep ala chef yg gampang banget dibikin di rumah. Karena memang dibuat simple biar ngga menghabiskan tenaga selagi puasa dan men…
Happy Holy Month of Ramadhan fellas ! Well, I got a lot of requests to share this speech and I think it will be best to share through this blog rather than sending it one by one. So, anyone who needs any input for their speech you're very welcome to check this one :) Rifka Indonesia …