I love you mamy Like a Love in the mist A chain that bind us In a sweet then bitterness Though it's neglected But it blooms in the darkest dark Shouting like no one ever heard How could I make you feel I'm too far away here How could you understand Every words…
Nila Pesmol Nusantara by Sous Chef Subagio Johanes Bulan Ramadhan gini pasti pengen makan makanan yg enak juga sehat kan waktu buka puasa ? Boleh nih dicobain resep ala chef yg gampang banget dibikin di rumah. Karena memang dibuat simple biar ngga menghabiskan tenaga selagi puasa dan men…
Happy Holy Month of Ramadhan fellas ! Well, I got a lot of requests to share this speech and I think it will be best to share through this blog rather than sending it one by one. So, anyone who needs any input for their speech you're very welcome to check this one :) Rifka Indonesia …
Cerita nya executive secretary Uda pertengahan bulan Maret aja yaa, cepet sekaliiii kalau di luaran sana biasanya bulan* begini lagi musim semi. Keliatan daun daun mulai hijau, pohon sakura yg awalnya kering uda mulai penuh sama bunga bunga cantik. Cuma di sini lagi hujan banget, jadinya kep…